A meeting of the State Securities Board was held on February 17, 2022, in Room 320, Thomas Jefferson Rusk State Office Building, at 10:00 a.m. Those present were: E. Wally Kinney, Chair; Kenny Koncaba, Member; Robert Belt, Member; Ejike E. Opka II, Member; Travis J. Iles, Securities Commissioner; Clinton Edgar, Deputy Commissioner; Tommy Green, Director, Inspections and Compliance Division; Derek Lauterjung, Director, Staff Services Division; Joseph J. Rotunda, Director, Enforcement Division; Marlene K. Sparkman, General Counsel; Emily Diaz, Assistant Director, Registration Division; Cheryn Netz, Assistant General Counsel; Misty Smith, Assistant Director, Staff Services Division; Shaun Yarroll, Assistant Director, Registration Division; Brian Shepherd, Staff Attorney, General Counsel Division; and Sonia Fergerson, Executive Assistant.
Chair Kinney called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.
Minutes of the October 28, 2021, meeting were approved.
The Board voted to excuse Member Koncaba’s absence from the October 28, 2021, Board meeting.
The Board voted to excuse Member Tyroch’s absence from the meeting.
Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the Board voted to retain Garza/Gonzalez & Associates as the internal auditor for FY 2022.
The Board voted to retain the current committee members, E. Wally Kinney and Robert Belt, to serve on the committee to work with the Board’s internal auditor, with Robert Belt to continue as Chair.
The Commissioner gave a report on the Agency’s budget and performance measures.
The Commissioner gave a general update on Agency operations.
The meeting was then adjourned at 11:59 a.m.